GSA OIG special agents recovered a New Deal era painting, “Curt” by Dorothy Loeb, after learning that the painting was being offered for auction in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
Investigative Summaries
The investigative summaries listed below, by closing date, include the following types of closed investigations: (1) investigations of employees at the GS-15 level or above in which we found misconduct, no federal prosecution resulted, and we referred the matter to the General Services Administration for administrative discipline proceedings; and (2) investigations that are high profile in nature or otherwise of significant public interest in which we found misconduct and no federal prosecution resulted.
A GSA OIG investigation determined that a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) employee in Fresno, California, used a GSA fleet card to fuel his personal vehicle and two other VA employees’ personal
A GSA employee reported to GSA OIG that a GSA Auctions bidder had allegedly purchased a used Fleet government vehicle through the GSA Auctions website using a stolen credit card.
A GSA OIG audit and an investigation revealed that a GSA Schedule contractor (1) failed to properly maintain the price/discount relationship established at the time of award; (2) sold items after i
A GSA employee reported to GSA OIG that a construction contractor was allegedly submitting false certifications under their GSA contract.
GSA OIG was notified by GSA’s Fleet Services Division about the potential fraudulent use of a government vehicle assigned to the U.S. Air Force at Joint Base MacGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey.
The GSA OIG Northeast Regional Investigations Office proactively looked for and investigated matters involving potentially fraudulent Fleet card transactions made in New York and Northern New Jerse
GSA OIG was notified by GSA’s Fleet Loss Prevention Team of possible fraudulent transactions made with a Fleet card assigned to a vehicle leased by the Hampton Roads U.S.