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Assessment of a Hotline Complaint: GSA’s Public Buildings Service Faces a Significant Backlog of Open Occupational Safety and Health, and Fire Risk Conditions

The purpose of this memorandum is to notify the GSA Public Buildings Service (PBS) Commissioner of a significant backlog of open occupational safety and health, and fire risk conditions throughout GSA-managed assets, which consist of government-owned buildings and leased spaces. According to PBS data, there are nearly 36,000 actionable, open risk conditions at almost 2,000 GSA-managed assets nationwide. The same data shows that there are more than 5,000 open risk conditions that were not corrected or did not have an abatement plan in place within the 30-day period required by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations.

To protect building occupants and federal property, unsafe or hazardous risk conditions in GSA-managed assets should be addressed in a timely manner. Additionally, PBS’s policies and procedures for managing, correcting, mitigating, and closing out open risk conditions should promote the effective and timely resolution of health, safety, and fire risks.

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Public Buildings Service
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