Why We Performed This Audit
We performed this audit pursuant to Geospatial Data Act of 2018 (GDA) Section 759(c), which requires the inspector general of each covered agency to conduct an audit, not less than once every 2 years, of the covered agency’s compliance with the GDA. Accordingly, we assessed GSA’s fulfillment of the requirements set forth in the GDA. Specifically, we evaluated GSA’s compliance with the 13 covered agency responsibilities listed in GDA Section 759(a).
What We Found
GSA is not fully complying with the GDA. We found that GSA has excluded geospatial data from its GDA implementation and reporting efforts and is not adhering to geospatial data and metadata standards. Overall, we found that these deficiencies occurred because GSA lacks comprehensive, formalized oversight to ensure Agency-wide compliance with the GDA.
What We Recommend
Based on our findings, we make several recommendations to the GSA Administrator. These recommendations include GSA implementing a comprehensive, formalized oversight structure that ensures GSA’s Agency-wide compliance with the GDA. We also recommend that GSA incorporate all geospatial data into its GDA implementation efforts, adhere to the appropriate geospatial data and metadata standards, and establish roles and responsibilities for officials responsible for these efforts. A complete list of our recommendations is included in the Conclusion section of this report.
GSA agreed with our findings and recommendations. GSA’s comments are included in their entirety in Appendix D.