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The GSA Office of Inspector General did not sponsor any conference in Fiscal Year 2024 where the costs exceeded $100,000.

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The GSA Office of Inspector General did not sponsor any conference in Fiscal Year 2023 where the costs exceeded $100,000.

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The GSA Office of Inspector General (OIG) did not sponsor any conference in Fiscal Year 2022 where the costs exceeded $100,000. The OIG sponsored several internal meetings and events for OIG employees such as audit management training and law enforcement training.

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The GSA Office of Inspector General did not sponsor any conference in Fiscal Year 2021 where the costs exceeded $100,000. The OIG sponsored several internal meetings and events for OIG employees such as audit management training and law enforcement training.

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The GSA Office of Inspector General (OIG) did not sponsor any conference in Fiscal Year 2020 where the costs exceeded $100,000.

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The GSA Office of Inspector General (OIG) did not sponsor any conference in Fiscal Year 2019 where the costs exceeded $100,000. The OIG sponsored several internal meetings and events for OIG employees such as audit management training and law enforcement training. Each OIG sponsored event was designed to minimize overall costs while providing a maximum amount of training or work related activities for the attendees.

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This Strategic Plan (1) contains the OIG mission, vision, and values, (2) sets forth the OIG's organization, statutory authority, and the environment in which the OIG operates, and (3) explains the OIG's five-year goals, guiding tenets, performance measures, and external factors that can affect the OIG's ability to meet these goals.