Milton Boutte was sentenced to two years in prison and ordered to pay $1,210,000 in restitution.
A Cook County, Illinois, man was arraigned after the Illinois Attorney General’s office alleged he fraudulently used a government-issued fuel credit card to purchase more than $10,500 in fuel for personal use.
A Florida resident and dual citizen of the United States and Turkey pleaded guilty yesterday in the District of New Jersey to running an extensive operation over many years to traffic in fraudulent and counterfeit Cisco networking equipment.
A former U.S. Department of the Army employee made his initial appearance in court for allegedly stealing over $800,000 in government property,
A Grand Prairie, Texas, man was sentenced to 4 years in federal prison and ordered to pay $1.15 million in restitution for lying to the federal government about where his company’s products were manufactured.
The four remaining defendants in the fraud case involving former Air Force civilian employee Keith Seguin were sentenced in a federal court in San Antonio, Texas.
The Office of Inspector General for the General Services Administration (GSA) issued a report concluding that GSA’s transformational contract pricing pilot is plagued with inaccurate and unreliable data.
An Uxbridge, Massachusetts, man pleaded guilty in federal court in Boston to his role in a conspiracy to defraud the government of thousands of dollars from 2014 to 2018.
A San Antonio, Texas, man was sentenced in a federal court to 188 months in prison for wire fraud and tax fraud.
Adobe Inc. has agreed to pay $3 million to resolve False Claims Act allegations that it made payments in violation of the Anti-Kickback Act in return for influence over the sale of Adobe software to the federal government.